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VPN vs HTTPS: Why You Should Use Both

24 Dezember 2020

Would you like it if everyone knew what web pages you are visiting or the data that you are transferring over the Internet? Let's say you type your credit card details to purchase on an e-commerce website. And someone from another part of the world gets unauthorised access to your card details and the rest if plain history. This scenario would have been common among the entire population if websites hadn't switched from 'HTTP' to 'HTTPS.'

HTTPS is more than just the lock icon in the address bar. It is an encrypted website connection and the 'S' stands for 'secure.' It is because of HTTPS, that hackers aren't able to eavesdrop on your WiFi networks. When you connect to HTTPS sites, your web browser checks the sites' security certificates and verifies if the sites have been issued by a legitimate certificate authority. Whether you make online payments or opt for online assignment help, HTTPS on the websites ensure that you are connected to a legitimate website and all your information is securely ncrypted.

Is HTTPS enough for online security?

As a matter of fact, HTTPS is NOT enough to complete online security. Yes, it secures your browser traffic and prevents hackers from eavesdropping. But, hackers are also getting smarter every day. You need a stronger encryption technology such as VPN to deal with the cyber attacks.

VPN vs HTTPS: What are the differences?

Google has made it mandatory for all websites to use HTTPS on its web browser. HTTPS has been proven to provide better, safer web experience to all users worldwide. HTTPS and VPN both protect your personal details and private data from your ISP and hackers and keep your surfing on the web safe.

Wrapping Up

Security is the most important aspect of any website. Whether you have an informative website or an e-commerce website, make sure your website URL consists of HTTPS. A small alphabet such as 'S' can make all the difference between your success and failure in the online world. A secure website indicates that you care for your clients and value them. HTTPS and VPN both improve your protecion on the web and make your  online surfing safe and private.

Author Bio:

Peter Clarke is a web developer at a reputed firm in the United Kingdom. He is also one of essay writer at Henry has developed and plagiarism checker online for the students.
