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7 Apps You Should Download to Your New Smartphone

30 August 2021

When you get a new phone, you will start with a fresh start on it. None of the apps that you had before will be there any longer so it may be time to make some updates to ensure that your phone is protected and will have everything you need to get things going.

There are many neat apps that you can download to your smartphone and you are likely to have at least a few that are your favorite. Some of the top apps that you should download to your smartphone include:

An Antivirus App

This is a critical app to have on your phone to make sure that you are protected against all of the things that a hacker may try to put on the phone. This can include things like ransomware, spyware, malware and viruses to name a few.

There are a few different types of antivirus programs that you are able to put onto your phone and many of them will come with a free version that you are able to try out. Make sure that you find an app that is going to fit your type of phone so that it is going to work well.

Password Manager

If you plan to go through and use a lot of different programs on the phone or do work, then your passwords will be on the phone. Rather than risking the security of your accounts, you should choose a password manager.

This manager is going to help you create and then remember all of the unique passwords that you need for accounts you reach on your phone. All of the passwords are kept secure through one master password on the phone, making it harder for a hacker to get your information.

VPN Option

One option that you should choose is a trustworthy VPN. This is a simple way to keep yourself protected while you search online and having one on your smartphone will make a big difference in how safe you are while out and about.

There is a lot of information stored on your phone and if you are doing any work on the phone, you will put your information at risk and could give you a lot of issues with security.

When you use a VPN on your smartphone, all of that information can stay private, providing you with some security when you use your phone. You will be able to search the web, go on social media, do your work, or anything else without someone else being able to see what you are doing online. Do some research on the best VPN services for smartphones and find one that meets your needs and budget.

Weather App

This one may not be as tied to your security as the other, but it can be a nice app to help you out. There could be a default weather app on the phone, but it can often be inaccurate and hard to use. Both the Apple Store and Google Play have some great weather apps that you can choose and you can go through the reviews to pick the right one for you.

Secure Calls

You need to make sure that your calls are as secure as possible to keep you and others safe as well. This may not seem like a big deal, but it is always a good idea to have that extra protection around your phone from the start.

Ensuring that all of your private calls stay private can be just as important as taking care of your messages as well. The good news is that there are different apps that will ensure that your calls are always secure. And many of the best are offered for free.

Most of these are going to rely on some of your default phone apps to help make or receive that private call. But they have the added benefit of providing the encryption that you need on both ends.

A News App

For those who like to keep up to date on the news and hear some of the newest stories that are coming out, a news app is a good choice to go with. There are many options out there that you can choose regardless of the type of phone that you have. You can customize these and get them set up to show the exact news that you would like.

The first decision is to go with the news portal that you prefer and that you trust. You can then download that trusted news app and keep up to date with the information that is the most important to you.

It is also easy to do other news apps that allow you to just get news from a bunch of different sources. Just make sure that you choose one with good reviews and is safe for everyone.

A Photo App

While your phone most likely has its own picture capabilities, this may not be one of the best options to use. It can be clunky and may not provide some of the neat features that you are looking for when taking amazing pictures all the time.

The best picture apps out there will be ones that are designed to be user-friendly and offer you a lot of features. You can choose the app based on the editing tools, filters, cropping options, and more.

There are plenty of great photo apps out there for both the iPhone and Android options, making sure that you get the most out of it. If you want to take some cool and unique pictures, then you should consider whether a photo app is a good option for you.

Choosing the Right App for Your Needs

A quick look at the Apple Store or Google Play will show you there are a ton of different apps to choose from. Adding on some fun ones will ensure that you are enjoying your phone and all of the capabilities that it provides. But when. You are looking for the most important apps to give a unique experience, check out some of the fantastic options above.
