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How to Avoid the Risks of Free VPNs when Working from Home
24 octubre 2020
How to Avoid the Risks of Free VPNs when Working from Home

The best things in life may be free, but not when it comes to a VPN. Where your online privacy is concerned, a free VPN, service will likely do you more harm than good. Luckily, there are ways you can overcome the risks involved with free VPNs when working from home.
A few years back, there was hardly any demand for VPN services. In recent years, the rising popularity of the digital nomad lifestyle and quarantine restrictions have made VPNs a necessity. If you're working from home and are considering using a VPN, here are the risks to avoid and what actions to take to secure your data (compare Free VPN vs. Paid VPN) Browser Hijacking leer más...

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Top 7 Cyber Threats Every Webmaster Should Know
11 octubre 2020
Top 7 Cyber Threats Every Webmaster Should Know

It’s surprising but hackers attack 2,244 times a day. Financial losses related to cybercrime are projected to reach $6 trillion annually by 2021. These impressive figures imply that business owners realize the damage their organizations might face due to cyberattacks. Alas, more than 77% of companies do not have a cybersecurity incident response plan and their IT teams have no clue how to respond to their websites’ attacks.

We’ll list the greatest threats to watch out for to keep your business protected leer más...

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8 Best Ways to Protect Yourself from Hackers
21 agosto 2019
8 Best Ways to Protect Yourself from Hackers

Are there things I can do to protect myself from these hackers?

Here are 8 ways you can protect yourself from hackers: use a VPN service, regularly update your operating system, avoid using public Wi-Fi, have strong and unique passwords for all your accounts and many more leer más...

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