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5 Tips to Secure Your Computer
1 January 2021
5 Tips to Secure Your Computer

Concerned about website security? Do you think that your computer is susceptible to attacks by viruses, worms, and hackers?

You can never be certain that your computer is 100% safe and secure.

But there are steps that you can take to increase the security of your system, making it less susceptible to malicious programs. Given below are pointers and other information on how you can keep your computer safe from attacks by malicious programs. read more...

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What is The Difference Between VPN And Proxy?
29 December 2020
What is The Difference Between VPN And Proxy?

For the uninformed or the misinformed, it might seem like Virtual Private Network (VPN), and the proxy is the same or, at the very least, two sides of a coin. It might look like this if you consider the fact that both of them allow you to be safe while browsing the Internet and can also make it look like you’re browsing from a location different from where you are. However, it isn’t absolutely true that they are the same or even two sides of one coin. While these two services have some similarities, they are also different in many ways. read more...

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How to Protect Your Online Business from Scam
28 December 2020
How to Protect Your Online Business from Scam

The susceptibility of online businesses to eCommerce scams is an unfortunate part of running the business.

The use of tools like VPN and ReCAPTCHA can help to secure user privacy and log in. Stay conversant with cyber hacking best practices and do all you can to prevent it from happening and minimizing the impact in case it does. read more...

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VPN vs HTTPS: Why You Should Use Both
24 December 2020
VPN vs HTTPS: Why You Should Use Both

HTTPS is more than just the lock icon in the address bar. It is an encrypted website connection and the 'S' stands for 'secure.' It is because of HTTPS, that hackers aren't able to eavesdrop on your WiFi networks.

As a matter of fact, HTTPS is NOT enough to complete online security. Yes, it secures your browser traffic and prevents hackers from eavesdropping. But, hackers are also getting smarter every day. You need a stronger encryption technology such as VPN to deal with the cyber attacks read more...

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Christmas Sale Ends Today! The Final Sale of 2021
21 December 2020
Christmas Sale Ends Today! The Final Sale of 2021

With Christmas and New Year’s Eve just around the corner, we’re thrilled to let you know that we’ve also prepared an exclusive Christmas deal for you.

With a Special Christmas/New Year Deal you can save up to 80%.

Get more details here (P.S: Sale Ends Today!)

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5 Network Security Tips for Business Travelers
19 December 2020
5 Network Security Tips for Business Travelers

Business travelers are prime targets for thieves and scammers looking to steal their computers and the valuable information they may contain.

Before you go on your next business trip, follow these security tips to help keep your computer and its contents safe from harm: install all security patches for your OS, use a VPN on unsecured free Wi-Fi hotspots, encrypt your hard drive and LoJack your laptop read more...

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5 Cybersecurity Mistakes Remote Workers Should Avoid
18 December 2020
5 Cybersecurity Mistakes Remote Workers Should Avoid

When it comes to cybersecurity, both expert and novice remote workers must keep their devices safe from malware, phishing, ransomware and etc. Nowadays, cybercriminals are noticing and taking advantage of this massive shift in remote work. Therefore, you must continue to remain vigilant and adapt to good cybersecurity habits.

Make it your job to ensure that your computer and phone are as secure as possible, and that you follow your company’s cybersecurity guidelines. Here are 5 common cybersecurity mistakes to avoid: read more...

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How to Find More Freelance Work Using a VPN
17 December 2020
How to Find More Freelance Work Using a VPN

Without a surprise, the freelance industry keeps growing and rightly so. People, being fed of the regular 9 to 5 jobs understand how overwhelming these jobs can be.

Numerous freelance websites spread all over the world have country of origin restrictions due to multiple reasons. This then limits the opportunities for freelancers, as they are unable to access websites from their countries. The solution to this problem using a VPN. read more...

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5 Network Security Tips for the Paranoid
14 December 2020
5 Network Security Tips for the Paranoid

As we've seen in the news lately, it appears that the fear of Big Brother watching everyone's online activity is not necessarily such a paranoid conspiracy theory after all.
So, what's an average law-abiding citizen concerned about their right to online privacy to do to protect themselves?
Well, that's what we're going to talk about.

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4 Security Measures Hackers Don't Want To Encounter
12 December 2020
4 Security Measures Hackers Don't Want To Encounter

Hackers have been all over the news lately, whether it’s a major hacker collective, a lone wolf hacker, or some “script kiddies” just hacking for the thrill of it, hackers seem to be hitting us from all angles.

Are there any defenses against the savvy hacker or even the amateur one? 

Let’s look at several things that hackers hate to see a target have in place as security measures: read more...

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