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Блог Trust.Zone. Статьи по тегу 'aes-256'

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Military-Grade Encryption AES-256 is supported by Trust.Zone
1 Июля 2024
Military-Grade Encryption  AES-256 is supported by Trust.Zone

Did you know that Trust.Zone support the latest Military-Grade Encryption algorithm - AES-256 encryption?

AES256 is a symmetrical encryption algorithm. It is otherwise known as “military-grade encryption”  because  it is adopted by the U.S. and Canadian governments as standards for encrypting transited data and data at rest. Because of the 256-Bits length of the key and the number of hashes (14), it takes a long time for a hacker to perform a dictionary attack подробнее...

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Security Experts from 42 Countries Urge World Leaders to Reject Software Backdoors
20 Декабря 2017
Security Experts from 42 Countries Urge World Leaders to Reject Software Backdoors

Cyber activists, experts and companies from 42 countries issued an open letter against government plans to weaken encryption and force the use of backdoors. 195 experts, firms and civil-society groups signed the letter claiming that people should have the option to use the strongest encryption available without fear that governments will compel access to their communications without due process and respect for human rights.


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How To Choose The Best VPN - IPv6, Encryption Strength, P2P Support, SSL Certificates
26 Мая 2016
How To Choose The Best VPN - IPv6, Encryption Strength, P2P Support, SSL Certificates

Recently, the well-known Reddit user @ThatOnePrivacyGuy published the full guide on how to choose the best VPN. Trust.Zone reposts the guide here - part 3: How To Choose The Best VPN - IPv6, Encryption Strength, P2P support, SSL Certificates подробнее...

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