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How to Overcome Internet Censorship with a VPN?

10 Dezember 2016

Online censorship takes many forms. Government agencies may block regular foreign e-mail services in order to enforce citizens to use government e-mail that can be easily tracked.  Companies may prevent employees from visiting Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networks.  Campuses may restrict access to social networoks and etc.

When you visit or live in the country that actively censor Internet sources and web traffic, you can still access the most web sites you need. The solution is a using of VPN service.

VPN or Virtual Private Network is based on the idea of tunneling. A ‘tunnel’ is simply a link between two locations through internet. A VPN tunnel connects the two PCs or networks and allows data to be sent and received over the Internet as if it were still within those networks. The major thing to know about VPN: It secures your computer’s internet connection to guarantee that all of the data you’re sending and receiving is encrypted and secured from prying eyes.

VPN replaces client’s IP address with the one from the VPN provider. This method allows users to get an IP address from any region the VPN service provides. If you’re in the Spain and connect to a VPN in London, websites - even one that restricts itself to the UK residents only - will see you as connecting from the UK.

Most VPN providers support servers all over the world, allowing you to choose an IP address from several regions/locations. Using a VPN encrypts your Internet connection so that the ISP is unable to see the data that is being sent/received by your PC.

According to the USA Today, the most Internet-censored countries in the world are

What kind of VPN providers should you choose?

There a lot of VPN providers on the internet to choose. One of the best VPN services available in China and other internet-censored countries is Trust.Zone VPN

By replacing your IP address with the Trust.Zone VPN server’s IP address, Trust.Zone also provides you with a complete anonymity, internet connection encryption and no logging. It protects your privacy and online identity.

Meanwhile, you are able to stay completely anonymous with Trust.Zone - Trust.Zone accepts anonymous Bitcoin payments.
