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How to Unblock Twitter, WhatsApp and Facebook in India?
26 Мая 2021
How to Unblock Twitter, WhatsApp and Facebook in India?

Will social networks like Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook be really banned in India? If they do not comply with the new rules they will always be at risk of a significant government action against them.

The perfect way to avoid censorship and restricting the access to social media is a using a VPN. Trustworthy VPN can easily unblock Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook and other website in India. Read how подробнее...

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How to Unblock WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, Snapchat and Telegram with a VPN?
19 Октября 2016
How to Unblock WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, Snapchat and Telegram with a VPN?

Recently, Brazil has banned the popular messaging application WhatsApp. Judge in Brazil issued a court order blocking the WhatsApp for 72 hours in the whole country. This case had a short term and successful conclusion. It’s still banned in UAE, Qatar. There are many connectivity issues with WhatsApp, Viber and Skype in China. Last year the UK PM David Cameron expressed a desire to ban WhatsApp, Snapchat, iMessage in the UK.

With a VPN internet users are able to unblock any VoIP and text messaging services like WhatsApp, Snapchat, Viber, Telegram and other. Here is guide how to overcome censorship and blocking of chat applications.


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