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Top 2023 Cyber Threats To Look For
17 Ноября 2020
Top 2023 Cyber Threats To Look For

The years 2020-2022 will forever remain branded in our minds not only because of the COVID-19 pandemic but also because of the aftermath of this crisis. One of the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis is the rise in cybercrime.
The question right now is how to update cybersecurity toolkit to be able to handle the emerging cyber threats. The best way to stay ahead of security breaches is knowledge. подробнее...

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8 Ways How to Reduce the Risk of Ransomware Attacks
16 Ноября 2020
8 Ways How to Reduce the Risk of Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks were increased by 41% last year,and this figure is expected to increase in future. The ransomware kits are easily available on the dark web .
The best way to reduce the risk of ransomware attacks is to stop it before it infects our devices and systems. Adopting a proactive approach is still the best defense. Since we can't predict what future holds for us, all we can do is protect ourselves by ensuring safe surfing practices. подробнее...

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7 Bad Habits That Are Killing Your Security
5 Ноября 2020
7 Bad Habits That Are Killing Your Security

Bad habits, everybody has them. Whether it’s convenience, laziness, security fatigue or just apathy, we all develop bad computing habits over the years, which could be detrimental to our security posture.

Here are 7 of the most common security-related bad habits that can be the most harmful to your overall security: подробнее...

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How to Avoid the Risks of Free VPNs when Working from Home
24 Октября 2020
How to Avoid the Risks of Free VPNs when Working from Home

The best things in life may be free, but not when it comes to a VPN. Where your online privacy is concerned, a free VPN, service will likely do you more harm than good. Luckily, there are ways you can overcome the risks involved with free VPNs when working from home.
A few years back, there was hardly any demand for VPN services. In recent years, the rising popularity of the digital nomad lifestyle and quarantine restrictions have made VPNs a necessity. If you're working from home and are considering using a VPN, here are the risks to avoid and what actions to take to secure your data (compare Free VPN vs. Paid VPN) Browser Hijacking подробнее...

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5 Ways to Make Your Device a Less Attractive Hacker Target
21 Октября 2020
5 Ways to Make Your Device a Less Attractive Hacker Target

Hackers seem to be everywhere these days, on the news, in the movies. You can’t turn around without seeing a news story about a major data breach or massive hacking attack that took down a huge company’s online operations.

So the question is, what can you do to make your computer a less attractive target to a hacker. подробнее...

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7 Practical Security Strategies for Website Owners
20 Октября 2020
7 Practical Security Strategies for Website Owners

Website security is a complex, yet crucial area for every website owner. In order to professionally mitigate risks, of course, it is better to hire an IT expert who specializes in security services or outsource this process. However, if you are just inquiring about the possible ways of safeguarding your website, we are sharing security practices you shouldn't neglect as a website owner. подробнее...

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7 Risks Of Using Free VPN
20 Августа 2020
7  Risks Of Using Free VPN

While VPN does a wonderful job of keeping your information safe, a free version might not do the same. It makes them unsafe for use when dealing with confidential information and you can get exposed to many possible internet security risks and threats.

In saying so, here are some of the risks associated with free VPNs. подробнее...

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5 Reasons Students Are Targeted by Hackers
6 Августа 2020
5 Reasons Students Are Targeted by Hackers

Thanks to the Internet, college and university students got many opportunities for convenient learning and communication. According to research, 73% of teenagers use smartphones, 87% of teenagers use computers, and 72% of them have social media accounts. Given that so many teenagers are present online, there’s no surprise that they often become targets for hackers. In the USA, as much as 55% of people aged 18-29 note that they were victims of data theft at least once. подробнее...

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Is Data Security Still a Concern in 2021?
16 Июля 2020
Is Data Security Still a Concern in 2021?

According to a recent report, there has been a 20 percent spike in cyberattacks during the Covid-19 outbreak. Around 445 million fraud incidents have been registered since the beginning of the year. In this article, we explore some of the reasons data security is still important and consider the most common cyberattacks this year. подробнее...

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How to Know If Your Smartphone has been Hacked and How To Fix
17 Июня 2020
How to Know If Your Smartphone has been Hacked and How To Fix

It is important to ensure the security of the information in our smartphones. Our privacy must be protected and our account details should be secure. The security of such information is paramount.

Some of the signs that your phone has been hacked are discussed below. подробнее...

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