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How to Create an Effective Cybersecurity Policy
8 Февраля 2022
How to Create an Effective Cybersecurity Policy

The importance of cybersecurity in today's business climate has become essential. Its importance in the environment of business cannot be overstated.

Following through on cybersecurity trends is vital for organizations and companies for many reasons.

A cybersecurity policy is a written document that explains the technical and procedural guidelines for employees to ensure effective protection from cybersecurity threats and ransomware attacks. This policy primarily contains information about establishments or companies' security procedures, digital safeguards, and operational countermeasures in the case of a cyber security threat. подробнее...

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6 Cyber Security Trends to Dominate 2022
12 Января 2022
6 Cyber Security Trends to Dominate 2022

For anyone who uses the internet, cyber attacks remain a big concern.

Cyber attackers are getting smarter. They always have a trick or two to breach the most secure systems.

Technologies like internet banking, online payments, cloud computing, and crypto exchanges are great. That said, there is an element of vulnerability about them. It forces users and organizations to take protective measures to avoid any disaster. So, as the cyber world continues to advance, what trends can we expect in 2022?

In this post, we will talk about the most dominant cyber security trends in 2022. So you can stay well-prepared to counter any security threats. подробнее...

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Teaching Your Child About Cyber Security: Top 5 Approaches to Take
11 Января 2022
Teaching Your Child About Cyber Security: Top 5 Approaches to Take

The biggest concern with children using technology from a young age is their online safety.

There are many scary threats online that can put your child in danger. In order to avoid any harm from happening, it’s essential to teach kids about cyber security measures.

Here are approaches you can take to teach your child about cyber security: use parental control settings, establish boundaries, inform about malware, give them guidelines and use a VPN подробнее...

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10 Tips to Beef Up Your Home Cyber Security
5 Января 2022
10 Tips to Beef Up Your Home Cyber Security

It’s important to know that your property and belongings are safe at all times - and this includes your data and digital assets. One of the best ways to achieve this is to invest in a comprehensive cyber security set-up that you know you can trust.

Lets explore top 10 elements you should consider when making improvements to the cyber security systems that protect your home. подробнее...

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Why Your Employees Struggle with Secure Password Management
3 Октября 2021
Why Your Employees Struggle with Secure Password Management

According to a recently published 2021 cyber security report, cybercrime went up by 600% during the Coronavirus pandemic. Over the past year alone, more than 500,000 stolen Zoom passwords were posted for sale on dark web forums.

Passwords are one of the most basic and familiar forms of data protection. Yet poor password practices are often the reason behind the billions of breaches and malicious cyber attacks that happen year after year. подробнее...

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7 Crucial Ecommerce Website Security Measures You Should Set in Place
27 Сентября 2021
7 Crucial Ecommerce Website Security Measures You Should Set in Place

Starting a thriving online business and creating an e-commerce site can be exciting. As long as you do it right, you will be on your way to building a successful business.

Unfortunately, this excitement to run a business makes entrepreneurs overlook the need for a secure website.

If you are one of them, do not worry. You are not a lost cost. There are still things you can implement to secure your online store. подробнее...

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6 Steps to Make it Safe to Use a VPN on a Phone
22 Сентября 2021
6 Steps to Make it Safe to Use a VPN on a Phone

Ready to Use a VPN on Your phone?

As you know, VPN makes your internet connection encrypted and private, it protects you from hackers while using public Wi-Fi networks, prevents your mobile provider from tracking your browsing history and protects you from cyberthreats.

It doesn't make sense that to use VPN to improve your phone security, you first have to improve your phone security. There are six steps you need to follow if you want to make your phone safer with a VPN. подробнее...

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Passwords Habits in the US: 75% of Americans Use Weak Passwords
16 Сентября 2021
Passwords Habits in the US: 75% of Americans Use Weak Passwords

One of Google’s study with Harris Poll revealed the real truth behind passwords creation of native Americans. The vast majority faces frustration and even difficulties when coming up with a password. Having no secure strategy in mind and lacking an operating system to ensure that password verification has the latest security updates simply makes the American people struggle  - nearly 75%

The five most popular of which are: 123456, Password, 12345678, qwerty, 123456789. подробнее...

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Top 7 Reasons Why Cybersecurity Training Matters
6 Июля 2021
Top 7 Reasons Why Cybersecurity Training Matters

As the average online user browses through social media pages, does online shopping, or proceeds with distance learning at the university, the cybersecurity concerns are not that evident.

However, once a serious threat comes up, people usually appear totally helpless as they do not know how to deal with fraud or how to protect their privacy. It is only natural that when the talk goes about personal business or enterprise data leaks, it can become a serious issue. It is one of the reasons why people should consider at least basic cybersecurity training to become aware of their personal and workplace safety. подробнее...

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4 Signs You're Dealing With a Phishing Website
17 Июня 2021
4 Signs You're Dealing With a Phishing Website

Phishing websites are tools that cybercriminals use to steal personal information. They trick people into disclosing their passwords, phone numbers, credit card details, etc.

For example, phishing websites can mimic Netflix and ask you to update your payment details or require you to log in to your PayPal account to update information. подробнее...

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