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Installer le VPN. Etape 4. Manjaro. OpenVPN. Pays-Bas.

Explications pour la configuration de la connexion VPN

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Assistant de connexion

Etape 1

Download OpenVPN configuration file (.ovpn file).

Fichier OpenVPN (.ovpn): Caché. Connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous pour voir.

Etape 2

Install packages required for OpenVPN connection.

Run following command in command line:

sudo pacman -S openvpn

Etape 3

Create OpenVPN connection using downloaded ovpn file

- Right click the Network Manager on the menu bar

    - and click "Edit Connections..."

    - then click "Add"

    - choose "Import a saved VPN configuration..." for the connection type from the drop down menu

    - then click "Create..."

    - navigate to downloaded ovpn file and select it

    - then click "Open"

    - Remove only the ":443" from the "Gateway:" ( if present ) as only the domain name should be in this box

    - for the "User name:" type in your VPN user from Manual Setup page

    - for the "Password:" type in the VPN password from Manual Setup page

    - Then click "Advanced..."

    - Check "Use custom gateway port:" and set it to "443"

    - Click on the "Security" tab

    - Set the "Cipher:" to "AES-256-CBC"

    - Set the "HMAC Authentication:" to "SHA512"

    - Click "OK"

    - Click "Save"

Etape 4

Trust.Zone VPN does not support IPv6 so you need to disable IPv6 to prevent IPv6 leak.

On the following Wiki page you can find instructions on how to disable IPv6:

Vérification de la connexion

Ouvrez la Page Oprincipale de Trust.Zone et rechargez-la si elle est déjà ouverte afin de vérifier si votre connexion avec le VPN Trust.Zone est correctement établie.
Vous pouvez également visiter notre Page de Vérification de Connexion.

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