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Blog Trust.Zone. Publications par étiquette 'Russia'

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Internet Censorship in Russia –VPN usage in Russia increased by 900%
20 septembre 2024
Internet Censorship in Russia –VPN usage in Russia increased by 900%

International human right organizations have been expressing concern about how Russian authorities have been repressing free press for years. Instead of improving, the situation has gotten worse and worse until censorship involved the Internet as well.

With the Ukraine invasion, furthermore, censorship in Russia has reached levels never seen before: Russian citizens can’t access thousands of websites and new ones are being obscured every month.

According to the latest report, VPN usage in Russia increased by 900%

When it comes to online restrictions, however, there is a way of getting around them, and in this article, we’re exploring how. en savoir plus...

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How to Unblock Twitter in Russia with a VPN
4 mars 2021
How to Unblock Twitter in Russia with a VPN

Russian authorities have slowed down Twitter access in Russia. Russian authorities called Twitter as "threat". They will block Twitter completely unless Twitter censors the tweets. Experts suppose that YouTube, Facebook, TikTok and other social networks may be blocked soon in Russia too.

The solution to unblock Twitter and other social networks in Russia completely could be using a VPN service. en savoir plus...

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Russia bans Facebook: How to unblock Facebook in Russia with a VPN
2 mars 2021
Russia bans Facebook: How to unblock Facebook in Russia with a VPN

The Government of Russia has blocked access to Facebook in Russia. WhatsApp can be the next step – experts say.

According to Roskomnadzor, Russia’s tech and communications regulator, Facebook has restricted accounts of several Russian media on Facebook. In response to this fact Russian regulator said that Facebook violated the rights and freedoms. This was a reason to block Facebook in Russia immediately.

It’s good to know that Trust.Zone VPN is a great way to unblock Facebook, Whatsapp and other Meta services in Russia en savoir plus...

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