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VPN Konfiguartion. Schritt 4. Mac OS X. VLESS bulk. Alle Server.

Anweisungen zum Konfigurieren der VPN-Verbindung

Wenn Sie bereits ein Konto haben, loggen Sie sich bitte ein. Ein neuer Benutzer? Melden Sie sich hier an.


Schritt 1

Download and install the Hiddify-app client from the following link: Github: Hiddify-app v2.0.5

In order to install Hiddify please run the downloaded DMG file and drag-n-drop the Hiddify.app to the Applications folder.

When you first launch Hiddify, Mac OS may display a message that Hiddify.app cannot be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.

If this happens, click OK to close the message, go to System Preferences, then Security & Privacy, and click Open Anyway next to the message that the application "Hiddify.app" was blocked.

Click Open in the next dialogue to open the Hiddify app.

Schritt 2

Right click the following Subscription URL then click Copy link to store your Subscription URL in the Clipboard.
Abonnement-URL: VERSTECKTE. Melden Sie sich an oder loggen Sie sich ein, um zu sehen.

Schritt 3

Switch to Hiddify, click + New Profile button on the Home screen in Hiddify.

Click Add From Clipboard. This will add Trust.Zone VPN servers to Hiddify.

Schritt 4

Click the Tap To Connect button. Hiddify will connect to the server with the lowest ping from the list.

You may see the Connecting Timeout text near the connection button. Do not pay attention on it and check your connection on the Connection Check Page.

You can select the desired server from the Proxies tab.

Connection check

Open Trust.Zone Main page or reload it if it is already open in order to check if your connection with Trust.Zone VPN is established correctly.
You can also visit our Connection Check Page.

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