<< Alle Beiträge6 Februar 2019
According to new documents recently released by Canadian government, emerging issues may include targeting the use of virtual private networks and website blocking. The document identifies a few issues, each likely to be exceptionally controversial. One of the issues involves the use of VPN for copyright infringing purposes. VPNs are widely used in corporate environments to ensure secure and safe communications and by a growing number of Internet users seeking technological tools to better protect their privacy online. The same technologies can be used to hide copyright infringing activity, however.
Many Canadian users noticed that asking to ban legal technologies because they can be used illegally is ridiculous! weiterlesen...
3 Juni 2017
Portugal became a world leader in pirate site blocking in 2016-2017. Back in summer 2015, Portugal’s government agency signed a memorandum of understanding between copyright owners and Internet service providers, and by now Portugal has already blocked 330 websites and is not going to stop. weiterlesen...
2 Mai 2017
UAE Internet Filtering and Censorship focused on politically sensitive material, some social networking services, all Israeli domains, religiously sensitive websites, dating, and pornography. Besides that, all VoIP services like Skype, Viber, Whatsapp and other SIP bases services blocked. Parts of Wikipedia, social networking websites hi5, Friendster and many other are also blocked. If you plan on travelling to Dubai or other UAE’s city, sign up for a VPN before you go to access your favorite websites and services in UAE, and prevent your online activity from being monitored by UAE authorities. weiterlesen...
14 März 2017
Virtual private networks (VPN) could be blocked under new copyright and privacy legislation being considered by the Senate in Australia. VPN users could be blocked by the Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill. The bill is designed to target file sharing and BitTorrent websites like ExtraTorrent, Pirate Bay and other. "This Bill won't just block online piracy sites; it could allow companies to prevent Australian access to competitor websites in other countries! weiterlesen...
1 November 2016
VPN blocking is a technique to block the secured tunneling communications methods used by VPN. This technique is used by big companies, government agencies or ISPs. Recently, many VPN services warned of ‘increased censorship” in China. China is doing its best to make sure its workers cannot use VPNs to bypass Great Firewall of China. weiterlesen...
16 Juli 2016
Access to popular social networking websites Twitter and Facebook was completely blocked after the terror attack in Ankara. The Turkish government blocked any news coverage the deadliest act. The official statement said that the Turkish Prime Minister has imposed a temporary broadcast ban regarding the terror attack conducted in Ankara. According to Trust.Zone VPN stats, ban of Twitter and Facebook in Turkey was leading to a huge jump in VPN subscribers from Turkey. Turkey is currently up over 320% and still growing. weiterlesen...
28 August 2015
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has sent a letter to BitTorrent Inc.’s CEO Eric Klinker asking the company to prevent copyright infringement content. Included with the letter was a list of hashes of its members’ works including tracks from Lady Gaga, Madonna, Coldplay, Maroon 5, Usher and other. The most BitTorrent users think that requests from RIAA are ridiculous. weiterlesen...
27 August 2015
Indonesia has blocked access to 22 popular movie streaming websites that purportedly contain Indonesian movies. It also affected a few torrent websites like The Pirate Bay, Isohunt and other. The full list of restricted websites can be found here. Fortuntaly, internet users in Indonesia can unblock any geo restricted website by using Trust.Zone VPN service.