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Setup VPN. Step 4. Ubuntu 16. WireGuard bulk. Spain.

Instructions for configuring VPN connection

Connection wizard

Step 1

Run Terminal emulator: Press Alt+F2 on the keyboard, type x-terminal-emulator and press Enter.

Step 2

Install WireGuard and resolvconf with the following command.
sudo apt-get install wireguard resolvconf

Step 3

Make sure about you're logged into your Trust.Zone account with an active subscription in it by opening the Subscriptions Page.

Download the file to the ~/Downloads directory:

All WireGuard tunnel files ZIP'ped: HIDDEN. Log in or Sign up to see.

Step 4

Extract the downloaded to the /etc/wireguard/ directory by running the following command:

sudo unzip ~/Downloads/ -d /etc/wireguard/

Step 5

In order to see the list of the available connections please run the following command:

sudo ls /etc/wireguard

Connect to the desired VPN connection from the list with the following command:

sudo wg-quick up

Please replace xx with a desired connection name (please do not include .tz.conf).

For example: sudo wg-quick up

Step 6

In order to see the active connection please run the following command:

sudo wg show

To disconnect please run the following command:

sudo wg-quick down

Please replace xx with an active connection name.

Connection check

Open Trust.Zone Main page or reload it if it is already open in order to check if your connection with Trust.Zone VPN is established correctly.
You can also visit our Connection Check Page.

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