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Wie installiere ich VPN für Asus Merlin mit OpenVPN.
Trust.Zone VPN-Leitfaden


You can copy some values directly from the screenshots. Just click on the red items to select values then copy.

Schritt 1

Open admin area of your modem.

Schritt 2

Go to LAN tab from vertical left menu and set Trust.Zone DNS servers:

DNS 1:
DNS 2:

Schritt 3

Click VPN from left vertical menu then click OpenVPN client tab. This will bring you to the OpenVPN Client Settings page.

Set values as shown in the screenshot and click Apply to save changes.

Schritt 3

Click Content modification of Keys and Certificates. and set values as shown in the screenshot. Click Save to save changes.

Schritt 4

Change Service state from OFF to ON

Connection check

Open Trust.Zone Main page or reload it if it is already open in order to check if your connection with Trust.Zone VPN is established correctly.
You can also visit our Connection Check Page.

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